I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
Время звучания 2:35
Альбом Beatles For Sale (1964)
Русский перевод
I don't want to spoil the party so I'll go.
I would hate my disappointment to show.
There's nothing for me here so I will disappear
If she turns up while I'm gone please let me know.
I've had a drink or two and I don't care.
There's no fun in what I do if she's not there.
I wonder what went wrong,
I've waited far too long.
I think I'll take a walk and look for her.
Though tonight she's made me sad,
I still love her.
If I find her I'll be glad,
I still love her.
I don't want to spoil the party so I'll go.
I would hate my disappointment to show.
There's nothing for me here so I will disappear
If she turns up while I'm gone please let me know.
Though tonight she's made me sad,
I still love her.
If I find her I'll be glad,
I still love her.
You know I've had a drink or two and I don't care.
There's no fun in what I do if she's not there.
I wonder what went wrong,
I've waited far too long.
I think I'll take a walk and look for her.
Русский перевод:
Я испортил вам компанию
Я испортил вам компанию совсем.
Ухожу я, не прощаясь ни с кем.
Здесь мне не по себе…
Так я пошел к себе.
Если ж явится она, узнай - зачем?
Сегодня не хочу я пить вина.
Не смеюсь я, не шучу… Ну где она?
Пускай я глупый! Что ж!
Но ждать я буду все ж…
Пойду… А вдруг мне встретится она?
Хоть из-за нее грущу -
Лишь в ней счастье.
Пусть вернется, все прощу -
Лишь в ней счастье.
В. Лунин
The Beatles Songbook. М. Радуга, 1992.
Сост. В.А. Скороденко